Our society values money and unfortunately, as much as some people try to deny it, you do need it to live, at least to a certain extent. Not nearly as much as some people would think, but you do need it for basics. Our lives run on money. So, if it is the ultimate prize, why doesn't society compensate those who do work that matter with it? Why is it reserved for the greedy capitalistic people?
       Why is it that the jobs in which we manipulate other people for our own benefit are the ones that get you rich? But, on the other side of things, the jobs where you are doing service and working in international development make you very little or no income. Why is that? The number of people who benefit from the latter in comparison to other jobs is at least 5 times greater, if not more. 
       I understand that money isn't everything and that generally the people who do that kind of work are the ones who know that, but it's skewed. Our society values money, yet distributes large quantities of it to the people who will use it in all the wrong ways. Why?


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