The most important kind of education comes form our experiences. 

       I have not only learned that, but lived it this summer. Now, I know it really is true. 
       You learn so much more experiencing something, rather than sitting in a classroom learning about it. The difference being that the former lets you truly understand it. It's not just a matter of memorising facts, it's so much more. 
       You aren't getting lessons, just living through it teaches you. I can't tell you how much new knowledge I have after this summer, but hardly ever throughout the last two months did someone stand in front of me and teach it to me. 
       There are many different kids of education: religious education (from your church, mosque, synagogue etc.), school education, family education (what you learn at home growing up), but, I truly think education from your experiences is the most important. It's all what you learn yourself and it leads to individual growth, awareness and so much more. 
       So, is it possible for someone to have gotten an education even if they've never gone to school? Yes. And arguably, they know more. Their knowledge isn't filled with the conversion rate for inches to centimetres or the boiling point of water or the uses of irony in literature. It's filled with information on how to live or survive, and what you value or prioritise. To me, that's a lot more important. It wouldn't hurt to know both, but if I had to choose between the things you learn at school and the things you know from living, I would pick the second in a heartbeat. 
       If you want to learn about poverty, don't read the textbook, go live it. That's the only way you'll ever understand it. 


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