Yesterday's sessions focused on debating and discussing the topics that were chosen. So, even though I said it was a problem in my last reflection, it didn't really matter that the sessions were too short. Today, though, was about coming up with solutions/projects on the issues. The first and most important thing to say is that if they expect us to really have a thorough project, we are going to need a lot more time. If they are fine with knowing everything we talk about won't actually happen, then okay, the sessions were the right length. But, if they want implementing the project after the conference to be realistic, we need more time in order to assign roles, figure out details etc. In some sessions, we didn't even get to start talking about a project, because by the time we had discussed which part of the problem to focus on, our time was already up. 
      But, I mean, it also depends on the participants. Maybe it's better for the Haitian youth to be introduced to several different projects that they could do, instead of having only a few solid, well thought out solutions that they will do. What we did today was more of an introduction than actually getting things done, but that's fine. 
      All of this is especially interesting for me, being one of the 5/150 nonHaitians here because I'm also learning a lot about Haiti and its culture, aside from their problems and coming up with solutions. For that reason, everything that we are doing here is very worth my while. 


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