Are we destroying nature or is it just an obstacle we have to overcome so we can reach our goal?

      In order to dig all the holes for the posts of the fence, we had to pull out grass, cut some roots and break/pull out massive rocks (by massive I mean bigger than twice the size of your head). It’s not like we’re doing it because we aren’t aware that it’s not okay, but it was a necessary step we had to take to finish our fence. On the other hand, it’s not like we cut down a forest (-not that justifying your actions by proving there’s worse is right). The effects on the environment weren't that bad, but they were still there; I had just never really thought about the nature aspect of our project. That shows that no matter what you’re doing you have to look to see how it could possibly affect other things. 

(I am more shocked at the fact that I hadn’t thought about it until now, not that we were actually hurting the environment). 


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