I don't mean to sound like your mum, but it's true. 
       The kids here laugh, like kids anywhere else in the World, the only difference being what makes them laugh. Here, they spend their days (never short of evergy) running around, playing sports, talking to each other, making up games (with nothing other than a rubberband or a stick) and so much more. Not once did I see any of them cry or even look sad. This reflects their gratitude. But more than that, not once did they whip out their iPhone or spend hours on end staring at their computer screen. That's the way it should be. Not the way our warped society is, the one we have the nerve to think of as "better". That is literally saying that brainwashing your kids with trash is better than letting them learn how to be smart and resourceful enough to know how to use their environment... do you really believe that to be true? Their society might not be as economically or politically developed as other countries' but that doesn’t mean that there isn’t something we can learn from them. 


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