The Global Potential program consists of three phases: the first being weekly meetings to learn about global issues- problem and solution type sessions (similar to the global issues network conferences)-, the second is what we're doing now, the experience- traveling abroad to either Haiti, the Dominican Republic or Nicaragua or staying where you live and doing other programs (Global Potential works in Boston, New York and Paris, so that's where these programs are offered)-, and the third phase is to apply what you learned and follow up on the first two phases. 
      Regardless of the fact that I didn't do the first phase exactly like the other participants did and even though I am only staying in Haiti for 2 weeks, not 6.5 like everyone else, I have still established my project... or my projects I should say. 
      Part 1: Media For this part of the project I am putting up information on this website about Global Potential, I'm writing this blog and when I get back I will also put up pictures on the tumblr blog. My goal in doing this is to display what we did on the trip and to put forth my thoughts about the general experience to anyone who is interested. 
      Part 2: Presentation This would be talking, not only about the experience, but also about the lessons I learned in a presentation at my school. For this part, I will also go on to take anything I can share from this experience and also bring it to future conferences and so on. The purpose in doing this is similar to the one I had at the GINergy Conference we organised this year: to empower people my age to do what they want and to show them their projects are possible. Between parts 1 and 2, I will have presented everything in several different forms in order to reach out to as many people as possible.
      Part 3: Terre Froide Trash I've talked about this in several of my other blogs and it's something I still need to think through a little more. Basically, I want to look into getting a trash system started in this community. This project isn't exactly something I can do from abroad though (how can I ensure the trash cans are being used?- issues like that). So, I don't know if that means coming back sometime or whatever else, but I might continue Haiti: Hands On (the program I had initiated this year to get the funds to come to Haiti), and through that fundraise for this project throughout the year. I'll get back to this part, I still have some thinking to do. 
      Part 4: Application The main purpose of going on both these trips this summer was to take what I learned and to use it to continue my work in the UAE. Whether it be organising another conference or continuing to work with labour workers, the point is to make whatever I do better with the things I got out of the last few months. 
      Part 5: Extension I've been throwing this idea around for a while and I'm not exactly sure yet, but I would like to start my own organisation (eventually). So, this step is similar to part 4, but it's taking what I learned on both trips (about team work, NGO's, service projects etc.) and using it to strengthen my future organisation. But of course, this part of the project would also entail actually starting this NGO. I'm not exactly sure what the deadline for this part is, I haven't decided yet, but  I do know that it's further into the future than the other four parts to this project. 
      That's it, that's my five-part third phase project. The main purpose in posting my project is to give you an idea of what's next. 


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